We are proud to announce that the Contract Signing for the Construction of 220kV Switching Station at Kerawalapitiya, between our utility, Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and our principal M/s. KEC International – India, was successfully held on 20th August 2020 at CEB Head Office having Eng. Vijitha Herath, the CEB Chairman in lead. This project was floated by Green Power Development & Energy Efficiency Improvement Investment Program Tranche 2 (GPDEEIIP –T2) of CEB under Tender NO: CEB/AGM/PRO/2018/ICB/PSRSP-P1. It is funded by an ADB loan, worth of approx. USD 15 Million and was awarded to KEC International – India, on 2nd July 2020 after being selected as the lowest evaluated bidder.